Documentation contenant les détails des tables de la base de données d'un forum phpBB 3.0.x
Nom des tables
Description de la table

Table contenant les permissions de chaque modèles de permissions.

Schéma de la table en image


Code SQL de la structure de la table lors de l'installation

CREATE TABLE phpbb_acl_roles_data (
role_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
auth_option_id mediumint(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
auth_setting tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (role_id, auth_option_id),
KEY ath_op_id (auth_option_id)
) CHARACTER SET `utf8` COLLATE `utf8_bin`;

Code SQL des données insérées dans la table

INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 1, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'a_%' AND auth_option NOT IN ('a_switchperm', 'a_jabber', 'a_phpinfo', 'a_server', 'a_backup', 'a_styles', 'a_clearlogs', 'a_modules', 'a_language', 'a_email', 'a_bots', 'a_search', 'a_aauth', 'a_roles');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 2, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'a_%' AND auth_option IN ('a_', 'a_authgroups', 'a_authusers', 'a_fauth', 'a_forum', 'a_forumadd', 'a_forumdel', 'a_mauth', 'a_prune', 'a_uauth', 'a_viewauth', 'a_viewlogs');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 3, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'a_%' AND auth_option IN ('a_', 'a_authgroups', 'a_authusers', 'a_ban', 'a_group', 'a_groupadd', 'a_groupdel', 'a_ranks', 'a_uauth', 'a_user', 'a_viewauth', 'a_viewlogs');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 4, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'a_%'; # All Features (u_) INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 5, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'u_%'; # Standard Features (u_) INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 6, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'u_%' AND auth_option NOT IN ('u_viewonline', 'u_chggrp', 'u_chgname', 'u_ignoreflood', 'u_pm_flash', 'u_pm_forward');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 7, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'u_%' AND auth_option NOT IN ('u_attach', 'u_viewonline', 'u_chggrp', 'u_chgname', 'u_ignoreflood', 'u_pm_attach', 'u_pm_emailpm', 'u_pm_flash', 'u_savedrafts', 'u_search', 'u_sendemail', 'u_sendim', 'u_masspm', 'u_masspm_group');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 8, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'u_%' AND auth_option IN ('u_', 'u_chgavatar', 'u_chgcensors', 'u_chgemail', 'u_chgpasswd', 'u_download', 'u_hideonline', 'u_sig', 'u_viewprofile');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 8, auth_option_id, 0 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'u_%' AND auth_option IN ('u_readpm', 'u_sendpm', 'u_masspm', 'u_masspm_group');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 9, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'u_%' AND auth_option NOT IN ('u_attach', 'u_chgavatar', 'u_viewonline', 'u_chggrp', 'u_chgname', 'u_ignoreflood', 'u_pm_attach', 'u_pm_emailpm', 'u_pm_flash', 'u_savedrafts', 'u_search', 'u_sendemail', 'u_sendim', 'u_masspm', 'u_masspm_group');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 9, auth_option_id, 0 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'u_%' AND auth_option IN ('u_chgavatar', 'u_masspm', 'u_masspm_group');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 10, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'm_%'; # Standard Moderator (m_) INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 11, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'm_%' AND auth_option NOT IN ('m_ban', 'm_chgposter');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 12, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'm_%' AND auth_option IN ('m_', 'm_delete', 'm_edit', 'm_info', 'm_report');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 13, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'm_%' AND auth_option IN ('m_', 'm_approve', 'm_edit');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 14, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'f_%'; # Standard Access (f_) INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 15, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'f_%' AND auth_option NOT IN ('f_announce', 'f_flash', 'f_ignoreflood', 'f_poll', 'f_sticky', 'f_user_lock');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 16, auth_option_id, 0 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option = 'f_'; # Read Only Access (f_) INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 17, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'f_%' AND auth_option IN ('f_', 'f_download', 'f_list', 'f_read', 'f_search', 'f_subscribe', 'f_print');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 18, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'f_%' AND auth_option NOT IN ('f_announce', 'f_attach', 'f_bump', 'f_delete', 'f_flash', 'f_icons', 'f_ignoreflood', 'f_poll', 'f_sticky', 'f_user_lock', 'f_votechg');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 19, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'f_%' AND auth_option IN ('f_', 'f_download', 'f_list', 'f_read', 'f_print');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 20, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'f_%' AND auth_option NOT IN ('f_announce', 'f_bump', 'f_delete', 'f_flash', 'f_icons', 'f_ignoreflood', 'f_poll', 'f_sticky', 'f_user_lock', 'f_votechg', 'f_noapprove');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 20, auth_option_id, 0 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'f_%' AND auth_option IN ('f_noapprove');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 21, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'f_%' AND auth_option NOT IN ('f_announce', 'f_flash', 'f_ignoreflood', 'f_sticky', 'f_user_lock');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 22, auth_option_id, 1 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'f_%' AND auth_option NOT IN ('f_announce', 'f_attach', 'f_bump', 'f_delete', 'f_flash', 'f_icons', 'f_ignoreflood', 'f_sticky', 'f_user_lock', 'f_votechg');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 23, auth_option_id, 0 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'u_%' AND auth_option IN ('u_sendpm', 'u_masspm', 'u_masspm_group');
INSERT INTO phpbb_acl_roles_data (role_id, auth_option_id, auth_setting) SELECT 24, auth_option_id, 0 FROM phpbb_acl_options WHERE auth_option LIKE 'f_%' AND auth_option IN ('f_noapprove');